Monday, April 20, 2015

Lego Portraits

I have a few pet peeves in art that I am sure you have heard over the years. I want all of my students to be able to draw a realistic tree and a portrait in proper proportion.  It is time for a portrait lesson!

First we will work on a face sketch.  I will demonstrate how to divide the head to properly place the features.  They will add hair so the portrait looks a bit less scary!

Then we will have some fun.  We will either make a self-portrait or a favorite character in Lego form!  Here is me as a Lego person. Notice the eyes and mouth are still in the proper portrait place. Color will be added with crayons and/or colored pencils.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Every session I have one lesson that is jam packed with art theory and gets me all charged up for class!  This simple bubble lesson is just that. This black piece of paper contains: 3D shape, observational drawing, depth, space, balance, overlap. fore and back ground and pastel blending.

We will look at some bubbles on the laptop and yes, I may take a chance and blow some in the newly refurbished room, and talk about translucent, reflection and contour.  Students will use various size lids to trace circles in white pencil then add contour and reflective color with oil pastels. Lastly a white highlight will be added to each bubble.  The results are these fun, theory packed bubbles on black paper!