Monday, April 15, 2013


Home school art classes will be working on a surrealism project based on Salvador Dali's "The Elephants" (picture further down).  Dali was a surrealism painter born in Spain in 1904.  As a child he created very detailed drawings at a young age.  His parents sent him to art school when he was older.  He studied classical style of painting and was introduced to Dada, an avant garde movement of art.

He met artists Picasso and Miro and tried cubism and impressionism and then met Magritte who introduced him to surrealism.

What is surrealism?  It is a philosophical movement that said the way to find the truth in the world was thru the subconscious mind and dreams rather than logical thought.  Hmm, sound way out there!  Dali studied Dr Sigmund Freud's theories and used this method to create reality from his dreams and subconscious thoughts.  He mentally changed reality to what he wanted it to be, not necessarily what it was.  This became his way of life and was expressed in his art.   Dali painted until 1980 and had to retire due to permanent trembling in his hands.  He died of a heart failure in 1989 at age 84.

"The Elephants", painted 1948.  Sorry still figuring out how to add photos!

Dali's most famous work "The Persistence of Memory", 1931

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